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Ingezonden: 26 maart 2018

Ik ben adoptieouder van Ning Qiu Yan uit provincie Hunan, geboren op 14 juni 2003 en naar het kindertehuis Welfare Institiute Changning gegaan op 16 juni 2003. Ze is daar na 5 maanden naar pleegouders gegaan en op 7 maart 2005 door ons geadopteerd in Changsha. Wij wonen in De Bilt, in Nederland. Bijgaand stuur ik een document dat door ons ook al op een site in China is gezet. Wellicht is dit dus ten overvloedde. Het betreffende document is al in het chinees vertaald. Alvast bedankt voor jullie inzet om op deze wijze via jullie site de mogelijkheid te bieden om families samen te kunnen brengen! Graag wil ik nog een reactie van jullie ontvangen.

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van Ning Qiu Yan neem dan contact met ons op

Ingezonden: 5 januari 2018

Wij zijn op zoek naar de  biologische ouders van: Mulan DongYing Reijven
Geb. Datum: 20-12-2003
Gevonden:  28-12-2003  in Feidong provincie Anhui

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van Mulan neem dan contact met ons op

Twee meisjes die graag op de lijst willen:

Luoyang,     Henan Province.     18 October  2000.

Huazhou,     Guangdong province.      4 april 2000

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van deze meisjes neem dan contact met ons op

Onze eigen twee geadopteerde kinderen respectivelijk gevonden in:

Dao County,   Hunan Province 03 01 2006

Ruicheng County,  Shanxi Province  10 02 2008

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van deze jongens neem dan contact met ons op

Wij zoeken de natuurlijke ouders van:

Huidige naam:
Lian Long Fu de Boer
Vermoedelijke geboorte datum:
Vind datum:
Vind plaats:
Matouguan, Dongcheng, Xinlou District Longyan City, Fujian Province. Voor de ingang van een tempel tegenover het kindertehuis.
Eventuele uiterlijk zichtbare afwijkingen destijds:
Is er een briefje achter gelaten:
Nee er was geen briefje.

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van dit meisje neem dan contact met ons op

Datum: 09 januari 2014

Wij zijn op zoek naar meer gegevens van een gevonden jongentje.

Vind datum: 31-1-2006

Stad:           Hefei

Provincie:     Anhui.

Heeft u meer informatie over de achtergrond van dit jongentje neem dan contact met ons op.

Ingezonden: 27 juni 2013

A photo taken 14 years ago shows Chen Jiamin shortly before she was taken by authorities.
Photo courtesy of Chen Huaju

The parents of a baby girl taken away by authorities in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu shortly after birth 14 years ago still have no news of her whereabouts, and say she was illegally snatched away.Tang Haixia and her daughter Chen Jiamin were detained by authorities in Jiangsu's Haihe township in 1998, shortly after the baby's father Chen Huaju was sentenced to a year's imprisonment following a street brawl.Tang was mistreated under detention in the township's family planning bureau, and the baby was snatched away from her by the bureau's employee Chen Xiang, the family said.

The family has been petitioning for their daughter's return ever since, Chen Huaju said on Wednesday."The government has told us not to talk about this online, and then they will do their best to help us find our baby," he said. "Their attitude is to make light of what is a really serious issue.""They told us that the child of an unmarried couple has no protection in law, and they want to talk to us about 'conditions'," he said.Chen Xiang, who allegedly took the baby, declined to comment when contacted by RFA."I'm sorry, I don't know about this," he said.However, township women's affairs official Dai Cui, who was present when the baby was taken away, said she had been told a different story at the time."The family planning bureau called me up and said that the baby was the child of the mother's boss, but that the boss had absconded," Dai said."We took her to the orphanage because no one would recognize the child as theirs," she said. "The family planning bureau's research showed that no one would take the child on."

Social pressures

Unmarried births are still surrounded by social stigma and political pressure in China.Last month, an unmarried mother who hit global headlines after her baby was found in a sewage pipe following a secret birth in a toilet initially refused to admit that the child was hers.An official who answered the phone at the Haihe township government offices on Wednesday didn't deny the incident surrounding Chen Jiamin."This affair concerns our leaders," the employee said. "I don't know about it. You should ask our leaders."Calls to the Haihe township family planning bureau went unanswered during office hours on Wednesday, as did calls to the local Dongtai Social Welfare Center, where Chen Jiamin was taken in 1998.Chen Huaju said he had been willing to take on his paternal responsibilities, however."Chen Xiang ... never admitted this, and after that he would avoid me and refuse to speak to me," he said. "And once they had taken her to the orphanage, they wouldn't let us visit her. They said it was the government's rules.""But under Chinese law, the family planning bureau is supposed to issue a public document whenever they take a child anywhere ... they never produced one,"

Chen Huaju added.Reported by Xin Lin for RFA's Mandarin Service. Translated and written in English by Luisetta Mudie.

Ingezonden: 23 april 2013

I am looking for the adoptive parents of Gu Cheng Qian, girl, whose finding ad says she was born on April 16, 2004 and found on June 8, 2004 at the home of Mr. Lu Xiande, Tianxi Village, Jiaoxi town, Zhenyuan county, Guizhou province. It this case, Mr. Lu Xiande is actually the Chinese father of the child. The other child is
Gu Cheng Wen, girl, born May 13, 2004 and found June 3, 2004 at the home of Mr. Li Daiwu, Chexi village, Jiaoxi town, Zhenyuan county, Guizhou province. In this case, I believe Mr. Li Daiwu is the cousin to the birth father, Mr. Li Zeji. Both children were probably adopted sometime in 2006-2007.

Here is some background about the 2 girls, as I learned from the original Zhenyuan story translated by Brian and from my recent conversation with the reporter.

Gu Cheng Qian is the daughter of Mr. Lu Xiande and his wife,
Yang Shuiying. She was their 5th child; she has 3 older sisters and one older brother. About a year after her brother was born, her father had a vasectomy but apparently, her mother was already 2 months pregnant with Qian. They live in a remote area, high in the mountains, in a small village of about 5 families. The reporter told me that they are the poorest family in their poor village. Sometime after Qian was taken, Mr. Lu attempted suicide by stabbing himself in the neck. He was saved by a family member. He has since "gone crazy." I asked the reporter if it was the seizure of his daughter that caused the suicide attempt and caused him to go crazy or was he just a bit crazy to begin with. It is her opinion that it was the seizure of his daughter that triggered the suicide attempt and his going crazy. Besides the obvious stress this has had on Mr. Lu and his wife, I realized that there are 4 older siblings. I am sure the above events have virtually destr oyed any semblance of a normal childhood for them.

Gu Cheng Wen is the daughter of Mr. Li Zeji. At the time she was born, Gu Cheng Wen had 2 older sisters. Shortly after Wen was born, her parents went to Zhejiang province to work and took the 2 older girls. The parents left the one month old Wen, with the father's cousin, Mr. Li Daiwu. When Wen was about 1 month old, she was taken by family planning. Meanwhile, in Zhejiang province, Mr. Li had another girl and another boy. Two years after Mr. Li and his family left for Zhejiang province, he returned to Zhenyuan and it was only at this time that he learned about family planning seizing his third daughter.

If anyone has any information about the whereabouts of these girls or questions about these girls, please E-mail me at:

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.

Ingezonden: 13 maart 2013

Beste Mario en Sophie,

Fijn dat we via jullie zoveel extra info hebben mogen ontvangen omtrent de zoektocht naar biologische ouders. Jullie hebben ons echt een heel eind op weg geholpen en we hebben dan ook het gevoel dat we eindelijk verder zijn gekomen. Je weet niet waar je moet beginnen en het is prettig als er dan iemand weet welke contacten je kunt aangaan. Bedankt daarvoor.

Hartelijke groeten, Maarten en Jose

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